What Is the Best Teeth Whitening?

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening |Your self-confidence can really take a hit when you have teeth that are stained or discolored. Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they look at you, so you definitely don’t want to be slacking in this department. If your teeth are in fairly good shape health-wise, you should consider having your teeth whitened to regain your beautiful smile.

Teeth Whitening at Home

Before looking at professional teeth whitening treatments, let’s have a look at some over-the-counter products. There are a wide range of whitening products that are commonly available at places like your local pharmacy and grocery store, including: 

  • Toothpastes
  • Gels
  • Trays
  • Whitening strips

If you only have a very minor degree of teeth discoloration, these products might make some sense for you. However, if you are looking for a better result that does not involve a significant degree of sensitivity, you should consider a professional teeth whitening treatment.


By undergoing a professional treatment, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of professionals who are trained to whiten your smile and minimize sensitivity after the treatment.

The dentist monitors the progress. The high strength of the professional whitening gel ensures that you will achieve the results that you desire. Over-the-counter whitening gels simply don’t have the power to brighten the teeth beyond a shade or two in most cases.

Professional Teeth Whitening

You will first meet with your dentist during a free consultation to determine if this procedure is right for you and how to proceed with your individual treatment.

At your appointment, your dentist will apply a professional-strength whitening gel to bleach your teeth and create the exact shade that you desire. They will also use a special UV light to speed up the process.

Some dentists also have a similar type of system that you can use at home to whiten your teeth. Moreover, this would involve the creation of a custom-fitted tray that you can wear over your teeth for a specific amount of time. The tray would contain the whitening gel, and the tray would also confine the gel, keeping it from reaching your sensitive gums. 

Your Treatment Consultation

Do you feel self-conscious or embarrassed about stained teeth? Although over-the-counter products have helped some people, the vast majority of people find that they do not lead to the results that they are really after. If you are ready to take your smile to the next level, please contact us to schedule your professional teeth whitening treatment. New patients are welcome.

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