Happy Smiles: The Benefits of Wearing Space Maintainers

We always remind our kids to practice good oral hygiene. However, they are still kids, and accidents are bound to happen that might lead to the premature loss of a milk tooth. If such a thing happens, you must immediately visit an emergency dentist to have a space maintainer fitted.  

The good news is that plenty of dental practices offer this service. Before heading to the nearest emergency dentist, take the time to read this article. It enumerates the benefits of having a space maintainer.

Encourages Proper Growth of Permanent Teeth

A space maintainer is an alternative to the lost tooth that should be fitted immediately after the milk tooth falls out. Your child might not notice the missing milk tooth, leading to improper growth of the adjacent permanent tooth. 

The neighboring permanent tooth will have the right amount of space to grow and develop appropriately with a space maintainer fitted. It means your child’s dental health will always be in good hands.

Any pediatric dentist will tell you that leaving the adjacent tooth to grow unattended is not healthy because it might lead to the premature loss of the permanent tooth. A space maintainer would help in preventing such a scenario from happening.

As mentioned earlier, a space maintainer is an interim fix for an empty tooth socket. This temporary space maintainer will aid the adjacent permanent tooth in proper growth.

Reduces the Need for Other Orthodontic Treatment

The neighboring permanent tooth gets the right amount of space to grow with a space maintainer. The orthodontic problem faced by the adjacent tooth would not need any other orthodontic treatment.

In some cases, though, the orthodontist might suggest other treatments to solve the problems mentioned above. However, the need to undergo orthodontic procedures will be significantly reduced. 

So the potential need for complex orthodontic treatments like braces will be reduced. In most cases, you can take your child to an orthodontist only to have a space maintainer fitted.

If your child has a space maintainer, then orthodontic movements of neighboring permanent teeth will be minimized. As a result, the need for orthodontic treatment will be significantly reduced.

It Is a Painless Procedure

You do not want to see your child in pain as a parent. Thankfully, the placement of the space maintainer will not be painful. It might be a tad uncomfortable, but if you work with an experienced pediatric dentist, your little angel will not feel anything. As time passes, your little angel will get used to the space maintainer.

The procedure will not be painful as the space maintainer will not touch the inner part of the mouth. It will be attached to the adjacent teeth only.

There is also a temporary variation of the space maintainer that does not require your child to open the mouth wide. The dentist will attach the space maintainer to the adjacent tooth right after the extraction of the milk tooth.

The more frequently he wears it, the more comfortable he will feel. It is the best way to maintain proper development of the permanent tooth adjacent to the missing milk tooth.


When you understand the advantages of having a space maintainer, you will never hesitate to take your child to a dentist. By getting a space maintainer fitted, your child will benefit from excellent dental health in the long run.

If you are looking for a reputable emergency dentist in Newton, MA, turn to Waban Dental Group. We are a group of seasoned dentists that can take care of any dental concern. Contact us now to request an appointment! 

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