4 Tell-Tale Signs You Need Dental Bridges

People strive to smile with confidence in their pearly whites, but when you experience a decaying tooth, then it’s important to treat it with the right dental procedure that can restore your oral health. If you have a damaged tooth, it’s important to preserve it so that the infection that is causing the decay doesn’t spread to the bone and jaw.  

If you don’t receive immediate treatment for a decaying tooth, the enamel layer around the tooth (which is the hardest layer of the teeth) can be damaged and cause the tooth to weaken.

With that in mind, dental bridges are a way of replacing missing teeth, which can help prevent the jawbone from shrinking and the teeth that are still in your mouth from becoming misaligned. While the procedure sounds daunting, it is a relatively painless process that can save your smile in more ways than one. 

What are the Signs that Indicate You Need Dental Bridges?

Sign #1: If You Have One or More Missing Teeth 

While one missing tooth seems like a minor, aesthetic problem, the reality is that not having a tooth can cause serious problems if left untreated. For one, it can cause your jaw bone to shrink, which can cause your teeth to become misaligned. 

Without natural roots to keep your bones strong, you will be more likely to develop gum ailments and risk the decay of your neighboring teeth. On that note, dental bridges can help reduce these problems by reconnecting the jaw bone and replacing the missing tooth.

Sign #2: If You Have Gum Disease

If you don’t have a tooth to support your gum tissue, the tissue can become infected and start to recede. When your gums recede, the roots of your teeth are exposed, and if a deep cleaning isn’t performed, then the tooth will start to decay.

A dental bridge can help gum disease in two ways. First, it can reconnect the gum tissue to support the teeth. Second, by replacing the missing tooth, the gum tissue will have a chance to heal and not recede any further.

It is important to note, however, that the bridge will not replace your tooth’s ability to fight gum disease. It is still important to practice good dental hygiene and make regular visits to your dentist.

Sign #3: If You Have Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop periodontal disease and an increased risk of gum disease. Plus, you are also at risk to see your gums recede, which will leave the roots of your teeth exposed to decay.

If you have diabetes, you should know that you have a higher chance of needing a dental bridge. Not only will a bridge help keep your teeth and gums healthy, but it can also help prevent you from needing more invasive dental procedures in the future.

The Bottom Line: The Importance of Dental Bridges in Saving Your Oral Health

While replacing a missing tooth seems like a simple enough procedure, the implications of decaying teeth can be more serious than one might expect. Without a tooth, your smile is likely to suffer, but more importantly, your oral health might.

If you are missing one or more teeth, it’s important to seek out the treatment you need to restore your oral health, and dental bridges might be the best dental solution for you.

Are You Looking for the Best Dental Office in Newton, MA?

Whether you’re missing a tooth, you need to restore a damaged tooth, or you’re looking to improve the appearance of your smile, dental crowns are a great solution. If you’re looking and planning to go for dental crowns in Newton, MA, and need more information about the procedure, contact us today!

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