Make Your Dental Implants Last Longer by Avoiding These 5 Bad Habits

Providing  a full range of dental services for your entire family.

Woman saying no to donuts and soda

Getting dental implants requires that you invest a significant amount of both time and money. However, this treatment offers an excellent value because the results have the potential to last for several decades — perhaps even an entire lifetime! Of course, in order for that to happen, you must play your part. It is important that you stick to good habits and avoid the following bad habits:

Overconsuming Alcohol

In the months following your dental implant placement surgery, it is advisable to avoid alcohol entirely. Once healing is complete, moderate drinking should be fine. However, excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided because it can cause dry mouth, which can increase the risk of oral infections. It can also reduce your body’s ability to fight off any infections that occur.


Smoking is a significant risk factor for dental implant failure. It can slow down your body’s ability to heal after surgical procedures, contribute to dry mouth, and heighten your risk of infections. Admittedly, quitting smoking can be very difficult. Talk to your primary care practitioner and seek help from your family and friends. A good support system can do much to help you leave tobacco use behind.

Poor Dietary Choices

Once your dental implant treatment is complete and your new teeth are in place, you should find it easy to eat virtually any food. You can feel free to indulge in all your favorite snacks and meals! Of course, moderation is important. Overeating foods that are hard or sticky, or that have low nutritional value, can be harmful for your dental implants. Try to eat mostly items that are rich in nutrients that support oral health, like antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin D.

Failing to Protect Your Mouth

Dental implants are durable, but a mouth injury could damage both them and the surrounding tissue. Therefore, you should always wear a high-quality mouthguard when you play sports.

If you sometimes grind your teeth at night, you may need a different type of mouthguard — one that is specifically designed to protect your implants and natural dentition from the pressures of grinding and clenching, particularly when you are asleep.

Neglecting Regular Dental Visits

Even if you no longer have any natural teeth, it is still important to attend regular dental appointments. Aim to schedule a preventive visit every six months. Your dental professionals can perform thorough cleaning procedures and assess the condition of both your oral tissues and dental implants. They are trained to detect potential issues at an early stage, which can do much to prevent dental implant failure.

Taking care of dental implants is easy! Be sure to avoid bad habits so your smile can stay in great shape.

Meet the Practice

The team of dentists and specialists at Waban Dental Group proudly offers start-to-finish dental implant procedures in a welcoming, modern environment. If you have questions about this form of tooth replacement or how to make it a long-term success, we would be happy to speak with you. Contact our Waban, MA, office at 617-527-6061.

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