Proudly serving Newton MA and surrounding towns.
Invisalign was developed over 20 years ago. As the leader in the “invisible braces” industry, Invisalign has paved the way for digitally-mapped, discreet adult orthodontics.
When you choose Invisalign, you get the benefits of a removable, clear aligner that’s comfortable and easy to care for. There are no fixed brackets, wires, or hard-to-clean spaces to manage. You can practically straighten your smile without anyone ever realizing that there’s something on your teeth.

How Does Invisalign Work?
Invisalign utilized 3D digital mapping to plan your tooth alignment patterns. From there, a series of translucent trays are created to nudge your teeth into the appropriate position. Instead of a bracket and wire pushing or pulling your tooth, an alignment tray gently hugs it from every direction.
Simply wear your aligners as prescribed (which is usually two weeks at a time) and then swap them out for the next set in the series. Each time you progress to a new pair of trays, your teeth are moved closer to the desired end results.
For best results, plan on wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours per day. The extra time provides you with some wiggle room to remove them during meals, brushing, and flossing. Otherwise plan to keep them in your mouth at all times.
Every 6-8 weeks we’ll have you stop by for a brief evaluation to ensure your teeth are responding appropriately. We’ll send you home with the next several sets of trays to progress your tooth movement until the next check-in visit.
Invisalign Advantages
Eat Whatever You Want — Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign doesn’t come with dietary restrictions. Remove your trays during mealtimes or if you’re drinking anything other than water.
Easy to Clean and Maintain — Brush and floss like normal. Simply remove your trays, clean your teeth, clean the inside of your aligner, and then put them back in. You won’t need to clean under wires or between brackets.
Fewer and Shorter Appointments —Invisalign is virtually mapped in a 3D software program. There’s no need to “adjust” your appliances every month. Your visits will be brief and easy to work into your busy schedule.
More Comfortable — With no irritating metal appliances, Invisalign’s smooth and contoured shape is easier on your mouth. You won’t feel brackets or wires rubbing inside of your cheeks (or need orthodontic wax.)
Invisible to Others — The transparent design of Invisalign makes them practically invisible when you’re talking or smiling around other people. Unless you’re looking up close from just a few inches away, it’s difficult to tell there’s anything there.
Average Treatment Length
Every orthodontic case is unique. The same can be said for Invisalign therapy. On average, most people complete their treatment in 12-18 months. The better you follow your prescribed wear times, the more efficiently your trays will work. However, the overall time commitment will depend on the significance of your tooth misalignment.
Short-term or “accelerated” options are also available. For instance, Invisalign Express is a modified cosmetic route that only straightens the teeth at the front of your mouth. If shorter treatment is appropriate, results can be achieved in as quickly as 4-6 months.
“Am I Too Old for Invisalign?”
Absolutely not. There are no age cutoffs for Invisalign. In fact, Invisalign was specifically designed with adults in mind. It’s not uncommon for us to see recent retirees or busy grandparents who are straightening their teeth for the first time.
Daily Home Care with Removable Aligners
Wearing your Invisalign aligners as prescribed is the key to a successful treatment outcome. That being said, there are times where removing them is also important. Such as during meals or to brush your teeth.
Clean the inside of your trays with lukewarm tap water, antibacterial soap or dishwashing liquid, and a soft toothbrush at least twice per day. If there is visible buildup, consider soaking your aligner in an effervescent denture cleansing solution for about an hour, then brush them thoroughly to remove the loosened residue.
“Do I Qualify for Invisalign?”
Thanks to the numerous advancements in CAD/CAM technology, Invisalign is a viable option for most adult orthodontic cases. Over the years, modifications in Invisalign systems have made it possible to take on more complex tooth misalignment needs. The key to determining whether they’re right for you, however, calls for a personal evaluation by your certified Invisalign provider.
Invisalign Consultation
Ready to find out if you qualify for Invisalign orthodontics? Contact us today to reserve a zero-pressure consultation to find out if translucent aligners are right for you. Contact Waban Dental Group at (617) 527-6061 today.